Aigul Baidalina

  • Visiting Scholar, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan - 2022-2023

Aigul Baidalina is a teacher at IB School located in the heart of Nur-Sultan city, the capital of Kazakhstan. Currently she is a visiting researcher at the Institute for International Studies in Education (IISE), University of Pittsburgh. Her faculty counterpart at the University of Pittsburgh are Prof. Maureen McClure and Prof. Najeeb Shafiq, and her research topic is about “Managing Student-centered, Future-oriented School in the Context of International Education”. 

Aigul received her master’s degree from Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketov (Buketov KarSU) in 2013. Her master research thesis “Didactic support for retraining of teachers for multilingual education”. Before this, she earned her bachelor’s degree at Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketov in 2010. She worked at Karaganda State Medical University in the Center for Medical Education and Innovative technologies. She taught English for University teaching staff. She also was a secretary of University Academic Council. After that, she was invited to Buketov KarSU to teach at the Department of English language and Lingua-didactics. 

Last 2 years she had been working at School - lyceum #66 in Nur-Sultan city (Kazakhstan) as a teacher and IB PYP coordinator. She won a Presidential Scholarship Program “Bolashak” to visit Institute for International Studies in Education, University of Pittsburgh.