Jianwei Zhang

  • IISE Visiting Scholar, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, P.R. China - 2022

Jianwei Zhang is an instructor and director for international student affairs from Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China. He is now serving as a visiting scholar at the Institute of International Studies in Education (IISE), University of Pittsburgh. His faculty counterparts at the University of Pittsburgh are Dr. Jorge Enrique Delgado and Prof. Maureen McClure. His current research focuses on internationalization of higher education.

JIanwei got his bachelor’s in English and master’s in foreign language literature. He is interested in cultivating students’ cross-culture communication skills and competency, also has gained lot of experience from managing international students. Being international has been part of his work and life, which definitely benefits him in many ways.

IISE, University of Pittsburgh, is the place where he makes his dream come true to experience and immerse in a totally different culture for a relatively long time. All the faculty and staff members of IISE care about every visiting scholar and offer as much help as they can to make visiting scholars’ life and study here much easier.